Four months...wow. Feels like it may as well have been four years. I couldn't sleep last night. Just lonely I guess, so I watched tv, played around on the computer, thought about all the things I still needed to do before Sunday. Nothing particularly important. When I stopped to see what time it was, it was 1:30. My first thought was wow! Way too late! My next thought was, exactly 4 months ago from right this very moment, was the last time I saw him. Last time I said "good night", last time I kissed his sweet face. I tried at least. I remember like yesterday, he didn't want to give me a kiss. He hated when Adam took him up to bed and I didn't, I think he didn't give me a kiss because he didn't want to leave me. Look where we are now. Missing him and his sloppy kisses every hour of everyday.
Dear Allie,
I love you and miss you so much. I am just not the same without you, but so much better for having known you. I will live the rest of my life trying to make you proud. Happy Angelday baby.
Love you, Mommy
I thought of you first thing this morning when I saw the date on my cell phone. It seems like 4 months was so long ago, but at the same time, it seems like it hasn't been long at all. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of sweet little Allie and his gorgeous little smile! I know he is watching over you every minute of every day and is proud of his Mommy! That little boy has changed so many lives and will continue to change many many more lives in the future. I love you Sarah....and your words are always perfect....but they always make me cry! Love you!!!
Sarah Lynne...I'm so glad to see you have started up your blog again! I hadn't checked it in a while but did today and caught up on all my reading now. :) I also have a blog but I haven't put anything on it and I don't know if it will actually stay active but we'll see. Your entries here are beautifully transparent! It is such a blessing to get a glimpse into your heart through them. I love you and am so thankful that you are willing to share your days on here. You are a sweet soul, dear friend!
Dear Sweet Sarah,
I just wanted to let you know that I have beening thinking of you alot the past few days and I was glad to come to your site and see your post about sweet baby Alex. Know that you and your family are loved by many, thought of often, and prayed for daily. In HIS name, may you find comfort.
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