Tommy's team won the league championship!!
My sweet Tommy getting his trophy - he was pretty excited!!
At the Bartholomew Co. Fair
Our newest family member - Jaxx
The Andersons and Herrons at Great Wolfe Lodge
Nate and me after his Kindergarten graduation
Nate and Cam on the same team! With their coaches - their daddy's!
Natey got something stuck in his hand...had to have surgery to remove it
Speaks for itself......haha
I have adapted a new motto - it is enough. My sweet Mama wrote a post about an "Enough Christmas" that you can read about here. She had surgery, and didn't have the strength or energy to have the Christmas that she wanted, or thought we did. Mama, if you read this - it was perfect. I still remember every minute of it. Although she meant for it to be just for Christmas, what a perfect way to live. Whatever you do, however you do it, and whatever is accomplished - it is enough.
From the "Enough Christmas" - making gingerbread houses is a yearly thing
Why, you ask? I am not perfect, nor am I neat and organized. I try my very best, but never ever is anything exactly the way I want it in my head. I have a board on Pinterest called "An Organized Mom is a Happy Mom". It is filled with perfectly wonderful organizational ideas that I want to do......I have not. Someday....maybe.
Here is what I mean when I say I try to have an "Enough" life.........
1. I try to make my boys eat a vegetable everynight with supper. Lately their favorite is peas (Ick! But unlike my sweet husband, I eat them to be a "good example". Still.....ick!). That being said, we don't eat them everynight. Sometimes I don't want the argument. Sometimes I don't have anything I want...hehe. And sometimes we have Pizza Rolls. How do you force veggies with Pizza Rolls?! I don't even try. It is good enough. And I don't apologize for letting them eat them. Tonight we had Pizza Rolls AND chicken nuggets. Do I feel guilty? Nope....at least they are eating! Right?!
2. We have a beautiful dining room table that I got from my Grandma Hunny. I also have the matching China Cabinet. (Nate calls it the Chinese Cabinet - he said China Cabinet just doesn't make sense. Well......close enough.) The table is currently stacked with mail and other things that I need to sort through. The Chinese Cabinet is loaded down with Notre Dame knick knacks and various trophies - baseball, soccer. Not what is was probably designed for, but I have little boys! Close enough. So where do we eat dinner, you ask?? On our handy dandy TV trays we got from Gramma Shirley. Not the perfect "sit down" dinner I imagine most people have, but we are together and that is what matters. It is "enough" for me.
3. Weekends are for going outside and doing things with your family!! We Andersons, we don't live by that motto. We are together as a family....but unless it is a necessity, we don't leave!! We do things around the house, play outside - mostly we snuggle on the couch and watch movies or read book. Ok, I read books....the boys watch tv. But we are together! Our favorite time of Saturday is nap time....all 4 of us, ok 5 - Jaxx loves nap time as much as we do! We snuggle up all together either on the couch or in bed. We may not be going a million places, making super fun and fantastic memories, but believe you me, we make memories. Sing a long time with Jaxxy, naming our new kitty (Cap, short for Captain America), kick ball games in the back yard. It may not be a lot, but it is enough. These are the things I remember about being a kid - breakfast on weekend mornings, watching movies that we hadn't seen yet, and roller blading in the basement. And Disney World - that was a big fun, fantastic memory. (Plus - what would mom and dad say if my favorite memory was roller blading in the basement?? "We took you all the way to Disney and it didn't even make your favorites list?!") Yes - Disney was a great memory! And one we hope to recreate next fall!!

Cap - isn't he the sweetest!?
Most of all, I have to learn that I am enough. I am who I am - take it or leave it. We really are super busy - work, school, football for 2 boys 3 days a week, broomball, Zumba. And then add in the boring necessary stuff - homework, driving back and forth, cleaning (boo), cooking.
-I may not be the perfect mom, but - they love me, they miss me when I am gone, Nate has to have 10 kisses before he goes to bed, they still love to snuggle. I may not be perfect, but to them - I am more than enough.
-I may not be the perfect wife, but - we never leave eachother or get off the phone without saying "I love you", I listen when he talks all about the inserts he is selling to NTN tomorrow (yawn) and he listens to me whine and complain about my job. We let eachother have our own time, but we also look forward to when the other comes home. We celebrate every accomplishment as if it were our own, and there is always a reserved shoulder when being strong isn't an option anymore. Do we fight? Oooh yes we do - we are so very good at that! Do we irritate the crap out of eachother? Of course. But there is a lot of love, and a lot of good things that we have created. Neither of us are perfect, but he is enough for me and I am enough for him.
At Adam's first CCA Christmas party
-I know I am not the perfect friend - but my hope is that I am enough. I don't have much to elaborate on that - I know that some may not feel that it is enough. The thing about friends is that there is love always. I don't have to hear it or see it...I know it is there. I am sorry if anyone feels I am not enough...truly.
So..."enough" for one day! :)
Peace....and being "enough"
Awe that was perfect friend!!! I love you, and I just have to say that you are MORE than enough in all of those categories...especially the friend part to me! You are my very best friend, and although we don't get to see each other as often as we used to (or as often as we would like!), we are always there for one another... No matter what! Love you friend!! :) -Holly
Awesome blog Sarah! You know me, I'm tearing now as a write this. ALL mom's need to slow down and remember to cherish the moments that are not only "enough" but everything that really matters in life. As long as we can get through this parenting thing with our kids KNOWING they are loved and cherished it is everything. By the way Adam, Tommy, and Nate look at you it is clear you are more than enough and EVERYTHING to them! Love you! :)-Amy
Well written my dear! You are more than enough and you are an awesome person with a wonderful,sweet heart! I am blessed to know you and consider you one of "my girls"!
Debbie Mennel
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